Same Day Shipping


Same Day Shipping

Some of the products we stock on our shelves are available for same-day shipping. The product page will look like this if same day shipping is available:


The order must be placed before 3:00 PM and all items in your cart must have the stock messaging mentioned above. As with free shipping, if a single item in your cart isn't same day shipping, then your order as a whole won't be same day shipping.

Free Shipping

Retail customers of BH-USA can take advantage of free shipping on certain items. For free shipping, the same rules apply as for same-day shipping. Unless your cart contains only free shipping items, you will see a shipping charge. You will be charged shipping only for the products in your cart that do not qualify for free shipping.

Regular Shipping

This category includes special orders and freight. This product will give you the fastest delivery date. The following stock messaging will let you know:


The order must be placed before 3:00 PM and all items in your cart must have the stock messaging mentioned above. As with free shipping, if a single item in your cart isn't same day shipping, then your order as a whole won't be same day shipping.


Unavailable Products

The manufacturer has not provided an estimated shipping date for these products. As soon as we have that estimate, it will be added to the product so that it can be purchased. This is how the stock messaging will look:


Special Order Products

In addition to our standard products, we offer a variety of special order products. These include engineered boat lifts, cable for boat lifts, fasteners, and certain specialty products. In most cases, this can be built and ready to ship within 3-5 days. Some supply issues may cause this to be extended a few more days or even weeks. 

Back Orders

It is our goal to keep products in stock, but sometimes our vendors do not keep up with our demands. It is possible for BH-USA salespeople to check inventory from their desks and answer quantity questions if the customer asks. It is not the responsibility of BH-USA to contact a customer if a processed order goes on backorder. When an order is placed on back order, it will be held until the order is complete, unless otherwise specified by the customer. If partial orders are requested, the customer will be responsible for all freight charges.  


Same-day shipping is not available for most freight items.


Same-day shipping is not available for dropshipped items.